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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s Cuts, Emmerson’s Plan, Weintraub’s Tie

You’ve heard it from FR contributor and Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard already, but the first order of business in the State Capitol should be to schedule an immediate up or down vote on the Governor’s proposed budget revisions.

Newly minted Republican legislative leaders Senator Dennis Hollingsworth and Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee should ask for an up or down vote right away.

Let me tell you, there is plenty for everyone to dislike in that package, whether you hail from the left or the right.  For my part, some of the cuts to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and borrowing money from local governments really don’t sit well with me.   And I know that there are a lot for those on the side of a big government "safety net" to hate. 

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4 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s Cuts, Emmerson’s Plan, Weintraub’s Tie”

  1. Says:

    Ok the tie on or off Dan is truly an open question. But to match the Governor I am sure he will have his boots on.

  2. Says:


    I assume you mean “hip boots” :-)

  3. Says:

    Hope springs eternal…one thing about Flash Report readers they are optimists..

    Ms. NOT ON MY WATCH BASS is naively running her mouth about saving the social safety net and no private prisons ever work….

    Mr. NO TAX I DID NOT LIKE Steinberg is gleefully out there talking about surgically cutting things a tad here and there…will be “painful”, but we just have to raise them taxes too!!!!

    So do not get your hopes up,,,, your annual losers in elections…get used to it….the only sway you have is if the RED UTOPIA legislators really run out of money to spend..

    The three leaders in Sacramento undoubtedly are the worst in California history…..where is ZORRO….we need him to save the day!

  4. Says:

    not sure where else to post this comment, but seriously talk about a business killer: got informed today that our State Compensation Insurance rates are going up 44%, and perhaps more depending on “other” rating factors! ya, this will help California. Arnold’s a moron.