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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Stop Revising Everything Dammit!

You have to love the Democrats in the State Assembly.  Finally confronted with having to actually cut general fund spending, their frustration is being revealed in hysterically funny ways.  Take this exchange for example:

"At the budget conference committee Monday, Assembly Budget Committeee Chairwoman Noreen Evans, D-Santa Rosa, vented some of her frustrations at chief deputy finance director Ana Matosantos.
"Noting that the governor had made three separate revisions to his May budget, Evans curtly asked Matosantos "Are we done now?"
Evans’ cross-examination of Matosantos garnered an angry reply from the administration. “We will continue to revise our budget numbers as the situation deteriorates,” Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said. “It is our sincere hope that Assemblywoman Evans will be able to keep up.”

Where has that type of rhetoric been for the last five years?  Ridicule should be an integral part of our comeback strategy.