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Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Governor to Meet With Entire CA Congressional Delegation

10:20am  UPDATE: The Governor’s office has clarified that the first item I mentioned is on his agenda — getting a waiver for the stimulus bucks.  But the other stuff is not…  (At least today, eh?)

As part of his "Get As Far Away From California When My Ballot Props Flame Out Tour, " Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today will meet with California’s entire Congressional Delegation – Republicans and Democrats.  I found this out when talking to Congressman and FR blogger John Campbell last night.

Undoubtedly he will be talking about a waiver to allow California to get stimulus dollars despite the SEIU’s so-far successful lobbying to get the Obama Administration to condition those funds on undoing cuts to pay for unionized home-care workers that took place last February.  That’s a good idea.

He’ll undoubtedly have some bad ideas on his agenda too — like asking Uncle Sam to guarantee California’s bonds (dumb) and asking for more federal bailouts for California government (dumber) — and maybe he will applaud the President’s new effort to drive up energy costs with higher CAFE standards and a regulatory greenhouse gas emissions "cap and trade" scheme (dumbest).

One thing you can be sure the Governor won’t do…  Ask for a show of hands of who voted for his ill-conceived, and ill-fated ballot measures that will go down big-time today…