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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Ashley Ingram – LA County GOP Reorganizes; Elects New Officers

A New Beginning For Republicans in Los Angeles County
By Nicole Ingram

Today I write to the FlashReport community as a proud Young Republican from Los Angeles. Last night in the county in America with the most Republicans, we elected a new Republican Party executive board. Over the past six months there has been a lot of worry, a lot of confusion, and a lot of division about the direction of what we the party should be doing next. Glen Forsch, who had been elected Chairman earlier this year, honorably stepped down as did his executive board, and I want to thank them for their courage and poise. It is not always easy facing a crowd of people who disagree with your politics and they can not be commended enough. 

Being a native Angeleno and life long republican, it means the world to me that we elected a board that represents all Republicans throughout the county. Our board represents the diversity of Los Angeles County in many aspects — economically, culturally, religiously, and through different political philosophies we all found a way to come together as Americans, Californians, Angelenos, and Republicans to unite for a general cause…. Reinstating our conservative principals, being active in our community, and electing Republicans in 2010!

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Guest Commentary: Ashley Ingram – LA County GOP Reorganizes; Elects New Officers”

  1. Says:

    Thanks for an informative, encouraging update, Ashley.

  2. Says:

    Given that LA County has over 1,000,000 registered Republicans and has over 20% of the state rep registration this move is a big deal.

    All those who know Jane Barnett will feel confident. She assisted many CRP giants. Jane is a charismatic leader that gives every activist hope.

  3. Says:


    Thanks for that great overview of last night’s RPLAC meeting! I am excited and encouraged about our new board! Yes, HOPE for the future!! Now, Onward and upward!!

  4. Says:


  5. Says:

    Yawn….a republican meeting in LA would fit in a phone booth. Why does that Villaragooseah win all the time….hmmm…

  6. Says:

    Your optimism is infectious, Robert. Thank you!