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Jon Fleischman

Glutton for Punishment: Abel Maldonado

Like all average Californians, I am working away while listening to the John & Ken Show via the internet (isn’t that what most people do?). 

They just announced that on May 15th, State Senator Abel Maldonado will be coming onto their show.

Good grief.

That’s like that Hatfields asking to come have dinner at the McCoys (did I just insult the Hatfields?).

LOL — you can be sure we’ll provide a link to the podcast of that appearance!

5 Responses to “Glutton for Punishment: Abel Maldonado”

  1. Says:

    It should be noted that the May 15h date is the Friday before the May 19th Special Election.

    I am sure that Senator Maldonado will be talking about Proposition 1F…Who knows?

  2. Says:

    if he has the rocks to show up, J & K would not let him get away with just talking about 1F.

  3. Says:

    This guy has to go…plain and simple….he cannot be trusted….he represents himself!!! yawn….I smell RINO!

  4. Says:

    I’ve disagreed with some of Senator Maldonado’s ideas over the years, but actually, I think it is a great idea for him to interview with radio talk show hosts John and Ken.

    Whether you agree with Maldonado or not, or John and Ken or not, on any number of issues, the Republic and the Republican Party are best served not when elected officials or position spokesmen interact with others friendly to their positions, but rather those hostile to those positions.

    From the Bush years forward, from my experience, dissenting opinion within the Republican Party was harshly punished. I’d argue that, while there is no obligation of Republicans to accept opinions which differ from the norm within the Party, listening to the logic of those opinions, in a true give and take forum, directly from the sources involved, is most likely to give listeners the legitimate arguments of both sides and let the listeners decide on their own. The GOP is supposed to be the party of ideas (boy, doesn’t that seem like a long time ago?) – but the birth of ideas is a bloody process that requires us as a party to listen to dissenting views regularly, in direct conflict, and be willing to change our minds if reason dictates.

    Cheers to Senator Maldonado for having the guts to defend his positions in public in a hostile forum. I’d like to see a great deal more of this, within our own party and in those broad communities in California where the Republican Party is a memory.

  5. Says:

    My guess is he will not go on the show. He was just being facetious with the KFI reporter Jodie Becker. I would love to see him go on the show. Not only would John & Ken destroy that self serving egotistical liar, but it would be great radio to listening to them demolish all of Abel’s feeble arguments.