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Meredith Turney

Governor McClintock—Take II?

Earlier today Steve Maviglio blogged about the possibility of Tom McClintock jumping into the governor race. A few hours later Sacramento-area radio talk show host Eric Hogue took to the airwaves and reported that there is polling being done regarding McClintock running. It’s still early in the race, but McClintock jumping in would definitely change the dynamics in a competition where there is no true conservative running right now. 

However, considering the initial source of the McClintock gubernatorial rumors, Republicans should be wary. Mr. Maviglio has an interest in wreaking havoc in the 4th CD—especially if another Democrat challenges McClintock. According to my sources, McClintock has no plans to run for governor and is very happy representing the people in his new congressional district. Like my fellow voters in the 4th CD, I am grateful for Congressman McClintock’s outstanding leadership and feel so privileged to call him my own congressman.  As this governor race heats up, there will surely be many such rumors swirling about potential conservative candidates…

4 Responses to “Governor McClintock—Take II?”

  1. Says:

    Although the idea is appealing, McClintock DC-staffer Igor Birman called the show from Washington and reported, “that there is no truth to the rumor.” So we are left with the prankster; is he a Republican, or is he a Democrat? Either way it made for very interesting conversation for a state that is on the brink fiscally. The “Tom and Jerry Show” would make for great talk radio, but Congress would lose much if McClintock returned home to deal with the “Belly of the Beast”. Eric Hogue, 1380 KTKZ

  2. Says:

    Congressman McClintock also confirmed that he is keeping his promise to seek reelection in the 4th.

    Doug Ose would LOVE to have that seat open again!


  3. Says:

    Tom’s quotes are in the Bee here:

  4. Says:

    We need all the help we can to fight against the loonies in charge of Washington!