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Mike Spence

Abel Maldonado Wins A Snoozie!

The Academy has the Oscar, the TV folks have the Emmy and the American Association of Political Consultants has the Pollie. Today, I inaugurate the Snoozie. The Snoozie is warded to the most boring political advertisement during a campaign.

The winner for the special election of May 19th is…..Abel Maldonado and his web ad for Proposition F.

A friend told me that a photo of yours truly was used in this ad as a “party boss” and that I should check it out. Some friend. 

About a minute into the ad I figured F stood for the fork I would need to stab my leg with to focus. Mercifully, a picture of me, FR publisher Jon Fleischman, Art Torres and Nancy Pelosi appeared as part bosses. 

A professional may have found photos of people that would be more recognizable, but hey. The bad part was there was over 3 minutes left to watch. Proposition F may really not mean anything, but the public relations value could be valuable, but not like this.

On the plus side, Maldonado wasn’t chewing gum while he lectured us. 

You have been warned. Watch at your own risk.

2 Responses to “Abel Maldonado Wins A Snoozie!”

  1. Says:

    A snoozer is right! Couldn’t stand it any longer but I did wait to see you, Mike, as a “Party Boss”! Aren’t you proud? :)
    Hey, what was up with AM’s obvious gum chewing when he addressed the National Republican Convention? TACKEEE!!! Why doesn’t he go the way of Arlen Spector!

  2. Says:

    Mazal tov (or mazel tov if you prefer) to you and Jon on your election as Party Bosses. Had I know you were running I may have donated.