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Barry Jantz

Put Lipstick on the Swine Flu and it’s Still the Swine Flu

As some great ‘philosopher’ once said, "Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you."

Yes, and just because the media is hyping this flu thing up the ying-yang, doesn’t mean there isn’t at least some cause for caution and concern.

So, actions by the State Department beg the obvious question.  If the Feds are saying no to all "non-essential" travel into Mexico, why are they not limiting any travel from Mexico into the United States? 

The message seems to be clear from the State Dept:  We don’t want a bunch of folks traveling south of the border and getting sick, then bringing it back to the U.S.  But it’s okay if the flu bug gets brought directly to the U.S. from south of the border.

The reason for that bit of logic seems obvious as well:  We don’t want to offend anyone.  How nice of the Feds, to not want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Congressman Duncan Hunter notes the apparent hypocrisy…

Limit Cross-Border Traffic Until Swine Flu is Contained

Washington DC – In response to reports about increasing swine flu infections, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA) is urging the Obama Administration to consider restricting cross-border traffic entering the U.S. from Mexico.  Hunter also recommended that the Administration prepare a plan – that can be implemented if necessary – to close the U.S.-Mexico border as efforts to contain the swine flu progress.

“The swine flu presents a serious threat to the American public and we must act aggressively to ensure it’s contained,” said Congressman Hunter.  “If the State Department is restricting all ‘non-essential’ U.S. travel to Mexico as a precaution, similar steps should also be taken to restrict cross-border traffic entering the U.S. from Mexico.

“So far, the swine flu is responsible for 149 deaths in Mexico and the rate of infection continues to rise.  Given the San Diego community’s close proximity to the border and the fact that nearly 340,000 people enter the U.S. through southern California’s ports of entry every day – the necessary precautions must be taken to ensure this virus does not spread any more than it might already have.

“As we work with Mexico and other international partners to address this situation, I encourage all San Diegans to review the Centers for Disease Control’s guidelines for “what you can do to stay healthy.”  These instructions are available at:

Note: Over the weekend, the U.S. Embassy in Mexico announced that it would suspend all visa and nonemergency services for all U.S. citizens this week due to current conditions.