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Duane Dichiara

Antonopoulos New College Republican Chairman

In San Francisco this weekend Mike Antonopoulos was elected Chairman of the California College Republicans. The vote for Chairman was 400 to 18, or thereabout. The Antonopoulos slate of candidates won by similar margins.  Antonopoulos attends St. Mary’s College where he is in his fourth year.

4 Responses to “Antonopoulos New College Republican Chairman”

  1. Says:

    What no contested elections? Was there a walkout, a forming of a rival CR group, multiple elected officials sending their operatives to take over the CRs? Sounds boring, how can you train the future leaders of the Republican Party if they can’t even have a decent knockdown all out brawl for the control of the CRs?

    Just ask Jon, I’m sure those kind of battles made him who he is today!

  2. Says:

    There were two slates. It’s not reflected in the vote but the campaign, from what I heard, was very aggressive on both sides.

  3. Says:

    For the losing slate to get 18 votes, obviously means there were 18 contested offices at stake. ;-)

    Duane most have been consulting the winners to clean house like that.

  4. Says:

    Congratulations to Antonopoulos on a well deserved victory. Mike has worked hard getting Republicans elected for many years. He’s smart and dedicated, I know he’ll make a great chairman.