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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Wilcox: Riordan, Steel, Foy, Baric Kickoff Latest No on 1A Effort

"More is more," is one of my favorite slogans, and in the case of the battle against the misleading campaign being waged to pass Proposition 1A, a second major effort to get the truth out to the voters about the $16 billion in additional taxes that are triggered by its passage has kicked off.  To complement the Herculean efforts already underway under the leadership of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, we now have Californians Against New Taxes – No On 1A.  This committee kicked off its efforts with a press event in downtown Los Angeles, and we asked their Communications Director, longtime FR friend Jonathan Wilcox, to pen something on how that event went…

Riordan, Steel, Foy, Baric Kickoff Latest No on 1A Effort

The formation of Californians Against New Taxes is set against the backdrop of a record expansion in state spending and we believe not coincidentally a record expansion of the state’s budget deficit, expected to reach more than $41 billion by this time next year.  In response, bipartisan politicians have put Proposition 1A and other measures on the ballot.  They call it budget reform.  In reality, it will amount to a $16 billion tax increase.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Wilcox: Riordan, Steel, Foy, Baric Kickoff Latest No on 1A Effort”

  1. Says:

    Four thoughts on Prop 1A election:

    1. This election will have a small voter turnout, and no Obama effect. Hopefully that non-effect will offset the simple majority requirement of passing higher taxes via Prop 1A.

    2. Because of #1, your vote will count like THREE votes in the Presidential election.

    3. At least half the voters will vote by mail. They have already started (me too). Since this essentially single issue matter is easy to decide upon, there won’t be much procrastination — waiting until the last minute to vote.

    4. Hence any campaign effort should be started YESTERDAY. Last minute mailings will have relatively little value in this election.