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Duane Dichiara

Domestic Terrorist Added to Most Wanted List

After last week’s Obama Administration’s internal report that returning members of the United States military could be poised to form some sort of right wing domestic terrorist core (Freikorps, anyone?), it was interesting to note that the FBI added, instead, a well-known left wing terrorist to the Most Wanted terrorist list: Daniel Andreas San Diego.

Daniel, 31, is an animal rights terrorist. What did Daniel do? Well, he hasn’t been convicted of anything but he is wanted for two bombings. Daniel has one tattoo that reads ‘it only takes a spark’ and illustrations of burning buildings. Daniel was a computer specialist. I’d suggest the Administration review their earlier report and focus on computer specialists instead of returning veterans.

3 Responses to “Domestic Terrorist Added to Most Wanted List”

  1. Says:

    Easy on the computer specialists :)

  2. Says:

    Tattooed computer specialists

  3. Says:


    Despite his unusual last name (San Diego), the accused terrorist was born in
    BERKELEY and later lived near Sonoma when the 2003 bombing campaign
    was carried out. (source: FBI press release).

    The FBI also states the 2nd of 2 bombs set on August 28, 2003 was designed
    to injure or kill responding police and fire personnel when they arrived after the
    1st bomb was detonated:

    …….”Four years ago yesterday, on August 28, 2003, San Diego planted
    ……..two bombs at the offices of Chiron, Incorporated in Emeryville,
    …….California. The first bomb detonated early in the morning, but the
    …….second bomb–intended to kill or injure first responders–was lo-
    …….cated and the area was cleared before it went off. ”

    (FBI release dated August 29, 2007, 4 years after the incident.)