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Mike Spence

CRP Initiatives Committee Votes To Oppose 1A-1F

The California Republican Party Initiatives Committee meet by conference call and voted by a vote of 9-4 to oppose Propositions 1A-1F as a package. The Committee also voted to endorse the Voter ID Initiative. 

The recommendations need to be approved by the CRP Executive Committee tomorrow to be official.

3 Responses to “CRP Initiatives Committee Votes To Oppose 1A-1F”

  1. Says:

    Who are the nine and who are the four?

  2. Says:

    Get the $700k back from Benedict Arnold while your at it.

  3. Says:

    Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters

    We’ve seen this all before. Remember Arnold’s 2004 deal — “Issue $15 billion of bonds to pay state OPERATING costs (to temporarily balance the budget), and the measure will include a mandated balanced budget.” Indeed, Prop 58 was actually called the “Balanced Budget Act.”

    I wrote the ballot arguments against Prop 58, pointing out that the measure was full of huge loopholes and wouldn’t work. I was right. It didn’t. All we got was a $15 billion bill, plus 30 years’ interest.

    Today the same cabal of editors, politicians and special interest groups that backed Props 57-58 now back Props 1A-1C. They were dead wrong then, and they are just as wrong now.