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Jon Fleischman

Which GOP State Legislators Don’t Oppose 1A?

I have been getting tons of emails since yesterday's TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Rallies around the state, all asking where GOP legislators stand on 1A.

I am pleased to report that the vast majority of Republicans in the State Capitol have staked out positions in opposition to 1A. So many so that it is easier (especially since I am blogging via Blackberry) to list out Republicans who support 1A, or have “no public position” – and there is one that this far has opted not to respond to inquiry. SO IF YOU DO NOT SEE A GOP LEGISLATOR listed below, they OPPOSE 1A (and it's trigger to enact $16 billion in taxes).

Supporting 1A: Senators Ashburn, Cogdill, Huff, and Maldonado. Assemblymembers Adams, Niello, and Villines.

No Public Position on 1A: Bill Berryhill, Tom Berryhill, Blakeslee, Cook, Emmerson, Fletcher.

No response to inquiry: Gilmore

If any legislator has changed their position from what we have listed above, please let us know so we can update readers!