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James V. Lacy

Sacramento Tea Party Awesome

I told Michael Reagan it was the best political event I have ever attended.

At least 5,000 and maybe 10,000 anti-tax grass roots advocates descended on our State Capitol West Steps today mid-day for three hours with one simple message: enough is enough! No more taxes!

Jon Coupal of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers and Peter Foy of Americans for Prosperity were the key people that made this hugely successful rally happen near the lore of the liberal Democrats!

Earlier, I joined with Reagan in his private meeting in the Capitol with the truest of our conservative true believers: Assemblymembers Miller, Logue, Duvall, Silva, Hagman, Conway, and Knight; and State Senator Jim Neilsen. Michael gave these great local leaders the Reagan fix and they loved it: no more taxes; no more out of control spending! Thank you Assemblyman Jeff Miller for bringing the Reagan message to the Capitol halls!

I am reminded of the Reagan revolution of 1980. There is a great sentiment of support for our conservative values brewing out there. Let us seize the initiative!

One Response to “Sacramento Tea Party Awesome”

  1. Says:

    Not so fast….it is time for a RINO purging starting with Campbell, Poizner and Whitman….lets get career losers, rich wanta bees our of the “conservative” movement. Recall all who voted for taxes and campaign with the tax and spend gov. who presides over RED UTOPIA. And anyone politican who is into fine wine or exotic trips….recall him.