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Jon Fleischman

Nearly 70 Tea Rallies To Take Place Up And Down California Tomorrow

Tomorrow is tax day around the country.  Here, in California, especially with the tax increases contained in the February big budget/big taxes/open primary deal, we are amongst the most taxed people in America.

Across the nation, frustrated Americans, concerned with the ever-growing portion of their hard earned money that is going to feed government at every level, are joining together in tea bag rallies.  Back in the days when the British government ruled the American colonies with an iron fist, colonists protested the Crown’s high tax on tea by dumping a lot of it into Boston Harbor – at the famous Boston Tea Party of 1773.

Here in California there are over sixty separate Tea Parties planned and if you are fed up with your high taxes, I would encourage you to go to the nearest rally.  You can see a list of all of the statewide Tea Parties, with contact information here.

The biggest rally of them all in California will take place from 12-4pm at the California State Capitol.  Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto will be broadcasting live from this rally, which is expected to draw thousands.  Leading the rally, besides Cavuto, is Mark Meckler, the California Statewide Coordinator of the Tea Party Coalition.  On hand will be radio talk show host Michael Reagan (son of the former President), syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin, Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Peter Foy of Americans for Prosperity, conservative leader Steve Baric, and others…

Two, and only two elected politicians are slated with coveted speaking roles at the Sacramento event – Congressman Tom McClintock and State Senator (and FR blogger) George Runner. That said, “All politicians of both political parties are encouraged to attend the rally,” said Jon Coupal of HJTA.

I really wish I could be at the rally in Sacramento myself, but fellow FR blogger Dan Schnur, who heads up the Jesse Unruh Institute on Politics at the University of Southern California long ago grabbed me for a lunch panel at a day-long event reviewing the first 100 days of the Obama Presidency

That said, I will close by once again encouraging your attendance at one of the rallies up and down the state.  You should also take the time to call your Member of Congress, State Legislators, County Supervisors, City Council Members, School Board Members, and even Water Board Members – and urge them to attend a rally as well.

It’s time to say no to higher taxes – and it’s time to get out and network with fellow Californians who feel the same way! 

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