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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Adams Recall Update: Will His Gala Event With The Governor Tonight Also Be The Kickoff For A Recall Campaign?

Perched in the hills of Glendora, behind appointed gates, sits the spacious home of Michael and Sandy Valentine-Matthews.  Tonight, the Valentine-Matthews family is hosting an “elegant evening” with Assemblyman Anthony Adams.  For a mere $3900, you can be a “platinum sponsor” of this event, which will feature none other than the Terminator himself, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Governor Schwarzenegger is taking time out from his aggressive schedule of promoting his May Special Election Ballot Propositions to say “thank you” to those daring Republican legislators who threw their voluntary “no new taxes” pledges out the proverbial window and acceded to the Governor’s request to balance the state’s out-of-control spending with income and sales tax increases (and more) – hitting the average family with between $1,000 and $1,500 in new taxes for the next couple of years, and even longer of the public passes Proposition 1A.  Last month Schwarzenegger headlines a Sacramento fundraiser for tax-increasing, pledge breaking State Senator Dave Cogdill.

Fundraising events for legislators aren’t all that newsworthy.  They literally happen all of the time.  The reason why this evening’s event at 2525 East Wildwood Canyon Drive in Glendora is notable is less for what is happening inside of it, but rather what is taking place outside of it.   Supporters of an effort to qualify a recall of Anthony Adams are gathering at 5:30pm today outside of the event to serve Adams with an official notice of recall, signed by over fifty constituents. 

You see, ever since Adams vote in late February for the largest tax increase in the history of any state, ever, the anger and consternation over that vote has been swirling and growing in Adams’ district.  In addition, conservative activists and leaders around the state have been putting together the framework for providing statewide assistance if local constituents of Adams move forward with an anticipate drive to qualify a recall election. 

**There is more – click the link**

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7 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Adams Recall Update: Will His Gala Event With The Governor Tonight Also Be The Kickoff For A Recall Campaign?”

  1. Says:

    There you go again, Jon, off the rails to the far right wing – cheer-leading that old well known Republican passion for the circular firing squad. But are you sure that the upcoming election is about “the largest tax increase in the history of any state, ever…” or does that distinction belong to Governor Ronald Reagan when he raised taxes in 1967? Perhaps you are (incorrectly) looking at the tax in terms of the amount of dollars and not (correctly) in terms of constant dollars and/or percent of state gross domestic product. And as far as the radio blowhards Ken and whatever, I’m sure they are riding this radio ratings booster horse as far as they can, but I would hope that the people who listen to them won’t be deceived and will not vote based on these guys hysteria. And finally, best wishes to you Jon from planet Earth to planet Flash.

  2. Says:

    Bob, since you like Prop 1A so much and you think we do not pay enough in taxes… I hope you are putting your money where your mouth is~~ that is not only paying what you owe, but sending in a little extra. You are trying to get hard working taxpayers to pay extra, well I hope you are showing some leadership! Send in a little extra Bob, we are waiting and watching.

    I voted for Tom McClintock, too bad more people did not do the same.

  3. Says:

    Hi Ken. Greetings from planet Earth. How are things on planet Campbell? Just like you do, Ken, I pay extra taxes because taxes are the price we pay to live in this wonderful state and nation. So, what is your solution if Prop 1A – 1F fail? Are you one of those far right wing-nuts that say “well the legislature will just go back to work and we will have a better budget because they will have to cut programs.” Baloney The Democrats will NEVER cut giving the money to their favored few. What I predict will happen is, the Democrat leadership will pass tax increases of around $50 billion – designed as fees – and the Governor will have no alternative but to sign them because the action of the Republican circular firing squad has rendered the Republicans irrelevant to the process. What do you think will happen if the voters are deceived into voting against Prop 1A – 1F Ken?

  4. Says:

    PS: Ken, if Schwarzenegger had not been in the race in 2003, we would have either retained Davis or got Bustamante for Governor. The results of the 2003 recall were: Schwarzenegger 48.6%, Bustamante 31.5%, McClintock 13.5% and Peter Camejo 2.8%. I know the far right wing-nuts are fond of their nutty idea that adding the vote totals of Schwarzenegger and McClintock total 61.1% but that is totally fallacious. If Schwarzenegger were not in the race, McClintock would still get 13% because that is the total of far right wing-nut voters in this state – just look at the fact that, in an overwhelmingly Republican congressional district, McClintock won by just a few votes over a very liberal Democrat. Hummm Ken, isn’t that your congressional district?

  5. Says:

    Raising taxes does not solve the financial problem we have in this state or country. The problem is spending. Politicians like to spend every cent that comes in and they will wrongly assume that the increases will continue. Did any of us learn from the dot com bubble bust which caused lower revenues and the ouster of Grey Davis?? How about the real estate boom that went bust??

    I really do believe that term limits has help caused the problem with spending. People at each end of the political spectrum are only concerned about the next election and the next office – so they do what is necessary to keep the far end of voters happy.

    How many of the republicans (small r on purpose) who voted for the increase are termed out?

    One thing can help keep this type of crisis down – a budget that does not borrow from the future. The state can only spend the “cash” they get – no more. Also, taxes for water can only be spent on water projects, Taxes for roads and highways can only be spent on those item – do not allow borrowing.

    If we have too much money in highway funds – stop that tax, not spend the money elsewhere.

    Our “leaders” put us in this position and until the public puts new “leaders” in place this will never change.

  6. Says:

    Wow Bob Evans is the man….let us not forget….RINOS MUST ALWAYS GO. Never ever again will a Republican get elected and not feel the rath of the voters….no taxes….

    The head Socialist in Washington D.C. appears to want to make citizens out of those “guests” among us….fine…but once those green cards go out plan on at least six more relatives, so you have seven eligible for every benefit California can give em….You will see budget deficits over at least 30 billion a year until infinity… is those apples RINOS.

  7. Says:

    Wow That makes no sense at all…