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Jon Fleischman

1A-1F Campaign Desputes HJTA, NTLC, PRI, ATR, Poizner and Haynes in O

The Yes on 1A-1F campaign just sent out an e-mail entitled Flash Facts About Proposition 1A where they take issue with a number of assertions made by a number of columnists here on the FlashReport — Jon Coupal with HJTA, Lew Uhler with NTLC, Ben Zycher with PRI, Grover Norquist with ATR, Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner and our own Ray Haynes.

I guess it is a "we are right and they are all wrong" e-mail…

Their preamble reads…

There have been a lot of columns on the Flash Report over the past month regarding Proposition 1A filled with less-than-truthful accusations and assumptions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the propositions, but the debate should be an honest and open one – one in which correct data and information is provided. This document seeks to correct the record and provide accurate information about this measure….

I have attached their full document with their rebuttals to all of those above as a Word document, linked below.  If any of those parties "called out" by Yes on 1A-1F would like to rebut, just let me know.

5 Responses to “1A-1F Campaign Desputes HJTA, NTLC, PRI, ATR, Poizner and Haynes in O”

  1. Says:

    Nothing could confirm the FlashReport’s total credibility as much as a mass communication from the opposition, cutely titled similarly, and calling into question FR’s credibility! That they would be so concerned over a little blog’s credibility! Incredible.

  2. Says:

    Interesting – I just got a mailer today from CalChamber, SBAC, etc. that says to vote YES on 1A-1F. And many of these people contribute to Republican lawmakers campaigns. And if I’m not mistaken, the CRP has donated to the YES on 1A – 1F campaign.

    The flyer was put out by Budget Reform Now and says it is a coalition of taxpyers, business, labor, educators, public safety and seniors.

  3. Says:

    I received the mailer as well, which starts off on the first page with:

    “Families have to live within their means.
    Our state government should, too.”

    Duh! Really…No kidding Sherlock!

    Therefore, I have always live within my means….NO ON PROP 1A!

  4. Says:

    It is interesting to note that the proponents of Prop 1A-1F almost never identify themselves, while the opponents are quite honest about their identities. This should really make us think twice. In politics, I have learned that people who wish to remain anonymous often have a hidden agenda that cannot withstand public scrutiny.

  5. Says:

    If you can read the propositions and read the explanations of the propositions, and still have no real idea of what they will do, you have to vote no. These things are a nightmare of complexity, ripe for abuse by the “tax eating” community. I don’t see why permanent tax increases would not, over time, push up the ten year trendline, thus increasing allowable permanent spending. But, even more importantly, the passage of this monstrosity would ensure that no permanent tax DECREASE would never again be enacted.