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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Feds Prosecutorial Abuse …Leave Perata Alone

The balance of control in the United States Senate was changed by illegal actions of the U.S. Justice Department against Sen. Ted Stevens. 

Who can forget US Attorney Johnny Sutton’s shameful punitive prosecution against border guards Ramos and Campion? The case against Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman [D] has to be questioned. After all he was not convicted for taking bribes or accepting illegal campaign contributions, but was jailed for appointing a wealthy donor to a state board. Former Sec of Labor Ray Donovan’s famous quote after surviving an unfounded and vicious DA’s prosecution with a clean jury verdict announcing not guilty 100 times, asked " Which office do I go to get back my reputation back?"

There are many more such abusive prosecutions. Don Perata, former Oakland senator, comes to mind…

I don’t like Don Perata. I don’t like his politics. As senate leaders he’s bullied many bad laws for California. But not even Don Perata deserves the abuse he received from Feds for the last 5 years. 

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Feds Prosecutorial Abuse …Leave Perata Alone”

  1. Says:

    As usual Shawn, you’re absolutely right. I can’t stand the man myself but we must be principled and speak out against injustices. Well done.

  2. Says:

    Consider the case of former Congressman John Doolittle. There has never been a shred of evidence that he or his wife did anything wrong, but the alleged “investigations” into his activities were allowed to drag on, year after year, destroying his reputation without ever giving him an opportunity to address the charges against him (since no charges were ever mentioned).

  3. Says:

    Shawn, I see your point, but in no way do I feel sorry for Stevens. He was one of the big spending Republicans that ruined our party brand and led to the 2006 disaster. And Doolittle was not any better. If Republicans can not stand for small goverment and low taxes… good riddens.

  4. Says:

    Shawn, I see your point, but in no way do I feel sorry for Stevens. He was one of the big spending Republicans that ruined our party brand and led to the 2006 disaster. And Doolittle was not any better. If Republicans can not stand for small goverment and low taxes… good riddens.

  5. Says:

    I agree as well. Hell, I don’t even think Bill Postmus deserved the excessive abuse and $100,000s on lawyers the county spent. He just needed a hard nudge at the right time from a friend to go to a program. Of course, Harry Truman once said if you wanted a friend in Washington, D.C. (or in politics), get a dog. As I sit in my home office with my trusty German Shepherd, nice job, Shawn. Freedom for Don Perata!