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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock Pledges $5,000 to Recall of Anthony Adams

** Due to technical difficulties, the blog page hasn’t been working right the last 24 hours.  That problem is now fixed.**

I am listening to the John and Ken Show on KFI radio.  Congressman Tom McClintock has just pledged $5,000 in "matching funds" against donations made by show listeners to the Committee to Recall Anthony Adams.

Right now listeners are responding to former CRP Chairman Mike Schroeder’s SECOND $5,000 matching grant.  Last Thursday Schroeder made that offer and it was matched by listeners THAT DAY.

It looks like the Recall Adams Committee is on course to raise well over $50k in donations from John and Ken listeners alone — in advance of their target date of this Wednesday.  Recall supporters have said that they plan on attempting to serve Adams with a notice of recall at his gourmet fundraising reception with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday night in Glendora.

When you consider that just a few weeks ago, well over 10,000 people showed up for John and Ken’s Voter Revolt 2009 rally in Fullerton, you can only imagine how many signatures they will gather on recall petitions when they host multiple similar events in Adams’ district.

Adams is one of six legislative Republicans who, in February, provided a vote to pass the largest tax increase in the history of this (or any) state, and a lot of people are upset.  Clearly Adams has become the focal point…

3 Responses to “U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock Pledges $5,000 to Recall of Anthony Adams”

  1. Says:


  2. Says:

    Let me guess – that’s $5,000 of campaign contribution money – not his money. I’m I right?

  3. Says:

    Go Tom Go!

    One of the few elected officials with convictions and the willingness to put his money were his mouth is!