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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: A Media Potpouri

Sheriff Hopefuls Vent… My post of two days ago about Sheriff Bill Kolender’s mid-term retirement, including reactions from some of the major contenders for the spot in 2010, has resulted in some interesting comments (both here and at Red County SD):

Read SD Sheriff’s Retirement Fallout.

Worth Repeating: Taxes and dirty tricks… Jon Fleischman hi-lites it as a Golden Pen this morning; from the Union-Trib:

The intention of the constitution is clear. It plainly says that taxes can only be raised on a two-thirds vote … This is why any governor of any party should veto any tax hike approved with use of this scheme … Alas, Schwarzenegger doesn’t appear to agree. The man who used to take a back seat to no one in his anti-tax fervor last week declined to respond to our e-mailed question about the propriety and honesty of the scheme.

Read the entire piece.

What do you want for free?… A great analysis by Rani Gupta in about the selling of big projects as costing nada.  Yes, and money grows on trees, just as electricity comes from the wall:

Anti-tax sentiment may be only part of the story, with the city’s financial scandals and a lack of political willpower playing their own roles. Observers say the pattern has pernicious effects on the city: Politicians have incentive to oversell the potential benefits and undersell the cost to taxpayers. They also may be reluctant to push potentially worthy projects that don’t pencil out.

Take a look at the rest; it’s worth the read.

Thanks, we’ll get right on that… The unquestionably left-leaning (leaning?) SD CityBeat takes a stab at being a truly credible on-line area news source, to compete with voiceofsandiego and perhaps even surpassing the U-T.  You know how I like to end my posts with humor:

We believe Americans have finally reached a gaping capitalist-imperialist abyss and have no choice but to get a good running start and take a leap to communism … Yes, that’s right, communism—pure communism … Now it’s time to pin our bright-red hammer-and-sickle banners to our office walls and pull those books about Marx, Lenin and Trotsky out of our closets. We aren’t ashamed anymore.

Capitalism and the greed that fuels its blood-sucking ways have failed, and it’s time to come to terms. Our only hope is for the United States of America to move to communism for salvation. We must toss private ownership and class distinctions on the mulch pile of history and succumb to the reality that absolute equality is the way to societal nirvana. We can rid ourselves of several deadly sins in one crushing blow: No greed. No envy. No pride. No gluttony. (Lust can stay; we have no problem with lust.)

Read all of Out of the closet.

I hope any of you blood-suckers out there have great week!


Barry on Twitter.