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Meredith Turney

Oligarchs Paid Like Kings

Americans for Tax Reform just posted an interesting article about the enormous salaries for CA judges. According to Tim Andrews, “more than 400 judges in Los Angeles County alone earn more than the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.” The judges get $46,000 in perks on top of their salaries. 

Remember how just a few weeks ago the Democrats where complaining that they can’t cut government spending because it will "hurt Californians"? Apparently they didn’t want to cut the perks for judges who so often implement their liberal policies through judicial activism (see Prop 22). Explained Andrews, “While there were some moves to reduce these [perks], the Legislature reinstated the perks just before the budget was passed in February.” So next time you look at a receipt and see the new sales tax increase, think of the 400+ judges in LA and their $46,000 in perks.

One Response to “Oligarchs Paid Like Kings”

  1. Says:

    Ms. Turney:

    Some good news on a related subject…. “Survey USA” has published
    a new poll showing most Californians want the State Supreme Court to
    uphold Proposition 8 as constitutional. Here were the questions:

    …. “In California, should Proposition 8 remain law? Or should
    Proposition 8 be overturned?”

    * Remain Law………… 49%
    * Be Overturned………..43 %

    Voters under the age of 35 supported the “Remain Law” side by a
    52% to 43% margin!

    The big divide was by Gender……. Men backed Proposition 8
    by a 60% to 33% ratio, while women opposed it 53% to 39%.

    The poll included 1,000 California adults, and was published
    on March 23rd.