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Meredith Turney

CA Congressmen Host Bloggers Conference Call about Obama’s Budget

Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of representing the Flash Report in a bloggers conference call with Republican congressional leadership. Hosting the call were California Congressmen Kevin McCarthy and John Campbell (a fellow FR blogger), who were joined by Congressmen Patrick McHenry and Paul Ryan. The purpose of the biweekly teleconference is to engage the new media and ensure they are well informed of what’s taking place on Capitol Hill. New media have obviously become the major source of information for conservatives who are locked out of the MSM and it’s crucial for Republicans to provide them access.

In this particular call the topic was the President’s budget that will be voted on this week. Instead of simply criticizing the behemoth spending spree, Republicans are proposing their own budget which promises to cut spending and spur economic recovery. Obviously Congressman Campbell can explain the details of the budget much better than I, but I will say that based upon the information shared during the teleconference, this is an “all hands on deck” moment for freedom-loving Americans. Each congressman warned that if this budget passes, America as we know it will be changed forever. President Obama, the 44th president, is about to spend more than all of his 43 predecessors combined.

Taxpayers must demand their congressmen and senators vote against the gargantuan debt that we will be forced to carry. Congressman Campbell stated that if, for some unknown reason, the Democrats decided to balance their massive budget, they would be forced to raise every single existing tax by 30%. Imagine every federal tax you’re paying right now increased by 30%. Say goodbye to productivity and free markets. 

Thus far, in the fifty-five days Obama has resided in the White House, Democrats have spent $1 billion per hour; $24 billion per day. Even worse, the proposed Democrat budget will double the national debt in the next eight years. By 2012, the government will be spending $1 billion per day in interest.

Congressman Ryan said it best when he signed off: “We need help getting the word out [about the President’s budget] because freedom is under assault right now.” The Flash Report is faithful in bringing honest news to readers, even if it’s sobering. This is the time to get the word out and save our precious freedom.

For more facts and figures on the President’s massive budget, and the Republican’s alternative budget, click here.