Former MSM big wheels Jerry Roberts and Phil Trounstine (pictured to the right) have jumped into the world of blogging — setting up their own new website on California politics (& beyond) – We’ve added it to our blog roll (above) and will soon have it on our Blog Scan feature. It’s worth checking out. Roberts and Trounstine are accomplished ex-reporters in their own right — but they also have been reaching out and tapping various individuals, right and left, with insights on politics to be guest "calbuzzers" — so you never know who will show up on the site!
For example, today longtime FR friend (and frequent contributor) Dan Schnur has a column on their site, Dan Schnur: Calbuzzer Tells Secret To Passing 1A, where Dan lays out one plan for passing the measure. My favorite part is at the end, where he suggest that the campaign offer anti-establishment rhetoric in its messaging, which of course was conceived and hatched by the political elite of Sacramento.
As absurd as that strategy sounds, Schnur does close his piece with a good point — which is that in order to refute such an absurd campaign, the No on 1A campaign would need the financial resources to debunk that message…
I guess we’ll see how it plays out!
In the meantime, CalBuzz will be a welcome addition to the California political blogosphere