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Today’s Commentary: PPIC: Weak Support for Ballot Propositions

The state budget, tax increases and the debacle waiting to happen with 1A through 1F have drawn a lot of criticism from political insiders and commentators.  And now the public is weighing in.  And it’s not looking good for the Governor and his Democratic allies in legislature.

The new PPIC poll (see the full report by clicking the link below) shows less than 50% support for each of the substantive ballot measures on the May ballot.  The only proposition with significant voter support, is the seemingly benign Prop. 1F.  

1A – 39% YES, 46% NO, 15% UNSURE

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: PPIC: Weak Support for Ballot Propositions”

  1. Says:

    Where is Mr. Nehring and the Republican Party. Could it be the RINOS have closed their wallets and will not run a campaign against higher taxes ala Prop 1a, 1b etc.
    The pathetic Republican Party! Never leadership on critical issues affecting average people…only cocktail party fund raisers for more RINO candidates without a chance in HAYDEES…my my that must just wear you out.

  2. Says:

    Chubby frau teachers again on TV. Dirty coated firemen scaring old people on TV. Purple shirted gov. worker thugs yelling, screaming, running through the streets demanding benefits, wage increases…converse…we face 12% unemployment, losing our health insurance, depleting our savings, children with less healthy food and medicine and seniors as usual get shafted, a betrayal of our greatest generation asking them to give government more of their meager social security checks. The frustration level is building, building, building….we face after the defeat of these silly initiatives an additional 14 billion budget shortfall….IT IS TIME to cut all government including education, security, health care to cover the TRULY NEEDY, the young, the brightest and cut off all moochers, nonproducers and non deserving among us….why do we continually reward mediocre activity, behavior and poor results.

  3. Says:

    Instead of kicking the can down the road and trying to pass silly propositions, the legislature should just get it over with, declare bankruptcy and reorganize.

    But Ken, the state cannot declare bankruptcy. O.K., if you believe that to be true, what do you think is the end game– where is this all leading? There is absolutely no way this gang in Sacramento is going to get it right and pull this out with a balanced budget.

    Raising taxes is not going to work— it will only slow the economy so you will collect even less tax revenue. The Democrats and 6 reprobate Republicans will not cut to shrink government. A smaller Government to a Democrat is like the Cross to Dracula. Things are in place such that this recession could be around in CA for years to come.

    So just get it over with and declare bankruptcy, and may be adults can come in and reorganize.