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Bill Leonard

Choosing my Successor

As many of you know, I will be termed out of office next year.

I can think of no one else I would choose to recommend to succeed me on the California State Board of Equalization other than my Chief Deputy, Barbara Alby.

Barbara first joined my team while I was serving in the California State Assembly.  I asked her to be my Chief Deputy when I was elected to the California State Board of Equalization.  She has been with me for my entire tenure on the Board and has been an invaluable asset and counsel.

Barbara has proven to be a tireless advocate for the taxpayer and business community.  With the economy in such dire straits, taxpayers need to have a “friend” on the state tax board who promotes business expansion and jobs in California, not chases them out of California.

At the BOE it is of the utmost importance to work in concert with the other four members of the Board. Taxpayers will never win if BOE business is conducted in a polarized, partisan atmosphere as it is in the Capitol. Barbara has those relationships and respect at the BOE and is the best choice to protect California businesses and taxpayers.

She also understands the bureaucratic quagmires at the Board of Equalization and she knows well how to navigate those waters!   Along with me, she has witnessed untold “horror” stories that have befallen taxpayers who have tried valiantly to comply with the voluminous state regulations and laws.

As a successful businesswoman, Barbara understands the need for fair administration of tax policy. 

Barbara has demonstrated her leadership as a successful businesswoman, Legislator, and at the Board of Equalization – our country’s only elected tax commission!

I wholeheartedly endorse her to succeed me as the 2nd District Representative to the California State Board of Equalization and I ask you to join me in my support of Barbara.

Please let her know that you are on her team!

You can e-mail Barbara here.

5 Responses to “Choosing my Successor”

  1. Says:

    Senator George Runner is a far better choice for BOE than Alby–a bureaucrat and former welfare recipient who accomplished virtually nothing in her brief tenure in the State Assembly. By contrast, Senator Runner has made a major impact on many issues–including Jessica’s Law.

    Chris Jones

  2. Says:


    I respect you, you have an impressive track record down here in San Bernardino County. The Derry race alone was a master stroke. And I also happen to have a lot of respect for both Barbara and for Sen. and Mrs. Runner.

    However, this time I think you crossed the line. I don’t happen to live in this BOE district, but if I did, stuff like your post would push me to voting for Barbara. The gratuitous negativity before the race has even started is great example of what burned me out on politics. Personally, I believe that is what helped kill Romney.

    I don’t know if you are somehow being paid for your work for Sen. Runner, or if you stated your opinion as a concerned citizen, in either case I don’t believe you have served Sen. Runner well at all.

  3. Says:


    I’m speaking as a voter in the BOE district and as someone who worked in the Capitol during Alby’s tenure there. She was well known as both disruptive and ineffective. That’s why she received so little support for her unsuccessfuly run for Congress in 1998.

    By contrast, Senator Runner has been an effective entreneur for the conservative cause–successfully supporting ballot measures and state laws to strengthen victims rights and sponsoring laws to crack down on vote fraud. He is a doer–not a complainer. We need more George Runners in California!!!

  4. Says:

    Chris Jones is a long-time friend and I appreciate his support for BOE. But, as we all know, many times in politics, supporters can be overzealous and this is one of those times.

    This campaign should be about the issues, a comparison of accomplishments, and a vision for the future. I look forward to engaging Barbara Alby (and the other worthy candidates in this race) in these areas about who will best serve the taxpayers in this role.

    Bill Leonard is a man worthy of respect, and he has long record of service to the taxpayers of California and I look forward to succeeding him on the Board of Equalization.

  5. Says:

    I live in the district and I am voting for Runner.