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Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: CRP Board Calls for Executive Committee to Oppose Proposition 1A


I am currently in the midst of a meeting of the California Republican Party Board of Directors, where I serve as Vice Chairman for the Southern Region.

Making a very important political statement about Proposition 1A being pushed in a May Special Election by Arnold Schwarzenegger and others, the Board of Directors of the CRP just passed the following resolution:

The Board of Directors of the California Republican Party supports a spending cap, but we oppose the taxes that will continue for two years upon voter approval, therefore the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party urges the Party’s Executive Committee to oppose Proposition 1A.

The motion to pass this was made by Republican National Committeeman Shawn Steel, and seconded by Mark Pruner, President of the Republican County Chairmens Association.  It was overwhelmingly approved by the board, with only two votes against.

This is a significant and strong statement by the top leadership of the State GOP.

It is important to note that under the CRP Bylaws, the Board cannot take a formal position for or against ballot measures.  That power is reserved to the Executive Committee of the Party, which can come together upon the call of Chairman Ron Nehring.

6 Responses to “BREAKING: CRP Board Calls for Executive Committee to Oppose Proposition 1A”

  1. Says:

    Who is dumping the CRP money into the Yes on 1A group? Who were the 2 opposing votes?

  2. Says:

    Great news. Maybe our party is getting itself together finally.

    Jon – Who were the two no votes?

  3. Says:

    Almost 24 hours later and we do not know who those TWO NO votes were…Mmmmm.

  4. Says:

    Why was CRP money given to Arnold to use on the 1A tax increase campaign?

    Who on the CRP is responsible for this decision?

    Why did all of our Republican AssemblyMembers sign on to endorse Anthony Adam’s re-election – right after his vote on the budget to increase our taxes?

  5. Says:

    No Votes – Team Cal/Major Donor Chair, and Governor’s Rep.

  6. Says:

    As Republicans whose core values are free markets and limited government, this never should have been an issue. However, this does illustrate what is wrong with the Republican Party both here in California and across the country. We must use this as an example to future Republican representatives, betray your constituents – lose your job!