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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jeff Denham’s Formidable LG Campaign

Over the years, I have had my share of hands-on campaign experience.  Besides my term as Executive Director of the California Republican Party, I was intimately involved in key positions in campaigns for a statewide candidate and a ballot measure (one won, one lost), as well as numerous campaigns for Congress and the State Legislature.  This is relevant because I want make it clear that when I write about political strategy and tactics, it is not from the perspective of a conservative columnist, but rather from the perspective of having over two decades of hands-on involvement in the “contact game” of politics.

Yesterday State Senator Jeff Denham (pictured to the right) announced that in the pursuit of the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor that he has successfully reserved (or “locked up” as we say in the biz) 14 of the major GOP slate mailers that go out before the election.   Having had an opportunity to review the list of slates, I can tell you that Denham has pretty much cornered the market on all of the biggies, including the Official Non-Partisan Voter Guide (yeah, I know, a funny name for a slate that impacts how GOPers vote), the Save Prop. 13 Howard Jarvis slate (along with the other related “family” of slates administered by Landslide Communications), and many more.

"How important are slates," you ask?

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Jeff Denham’s Formidable LG Campaign”

  1. Says:

    I agree on the value of slates obviously, but I understand Bill Simon may be running for this seat. Can Denham really beat him if he runs? Just curious as to your opinion.

  2. Says:

    With Republican registration at a historic low (31.14%), how does Denham win the general?