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Jon Fleischman

Adams Ousted As San Berdo GOP Chairman

Just minutes ago, embattled Republican Assemblyman Anthony Adams resigned his position as Chairman of the San Bernardino County Republican Party. According to a FR source at the meeting, it was pretty clear that if Adams had not stepped down, the votes were there to remove him from his post.

This action by Adams' local committee is a sign that there is still a lot of angst over Adams' deciding vote for the largest tax increase in the history of this or any state. Adams had voluntarily signed the Americans for Tax Reform “No New Taxes” pledge in his campaign for office.

Conservative Ken Willis is the new Chairman, and Larry McCallon, who serves as the CRP Inland Empire Vice Chairman, is the new SBGOP Vice Chairman.

The San Bernardino County Party has joined with the Santa Barbara County GOP as being the latest party organizations to formally oppose Proposition 1A.

8 Responses to “Adams Ousted As San Berdo GOP Chairman”

  1. Says:

    Good riddance. Now we just need to recall him and remove all presence of him from both the GOP and government.

  2. Says:

    About time. We need champions of Republican values leading the county central committees, and Adams has demonstrated that he is not one of them.

  3. Says:

    In your second paragraph try replacing “angst” with “anger.” It’s more reflective of the present mood.

  4. Says:

    The SB central committee did the right thing.

    The people of his district will do the same.

  5. Says:

    Looks like Mr Adams knows how to count votes. This is a good first step. Now the resources need to be mobilized to make sure he gets recalled.

  6. Says:

    I feel terrible about this. Bob Mulholland

  7. Says:

    bob – you’ve always been a vessel of compAssion

  8. Says:

    Oh Gawd, We have to hear it from Mulholland.

    Who let the cage unlocked?