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Meredith Turney

Orange County Taxpayers Funding Planned Parenthood

Saturday’s FR front page included an OC Register article about Orange County taxpayer dollars funding Planned Parenthood. Thankfully, Supervisor John Moorlach uncovered the county contracts that use tax dollars for “comprehensive reproductive education for teens and preteens.” This “comprehensive” education undoubtedly includes information about abortion availability for the “teens and preteens.”

CRI just sent out an email alert to our supporters encouraging them to call the OC Board of Supervisors before they consider this matter at their meeting tomorrow morning. If you’re a taxpayer in Orange County, you should demand the County Supervisors cancel this contract. 

OC taxpayers should not be sending $341,788 to an organization whose annual budget now tops $1 billion. Let individual taxpayers decide which non-profit organizations they do and don’t want to support, especially regarding controversial issues like abortion and sex education for children.

The Board of Supervisors will meet tomorrow morning at 9:30 am.

Supervisor John Moorlach
(714) 834-3220

Chairwoman Pat Bates
(714) 834-3550

Supervisor Bill Campbell
(714) 834-3330

Supervisor Chris Norby
(714) 834-3440

Supervisor Janet Nguyen
(714) 834-3110