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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Bailouts, Block, Hollingsworth, Tobacco and more

From the “Wake up and don’t smell the tobacco” department… Thanks to the Federal Strategy Group for sending along the quote of the day:

“They’re telling you how to live and what to do, and they’re doing it right here in America.”

–Edith Frederickson, 72, a smoker in Belmont, California, where a strict antismoking law effectively outlaws lighting up in all apartment buildings (New York Times, 1/27/09)

From the “It’s not only Republicans mad at some of their legislators” department… This excerpted from a recent San Diego Democratic Club email call-to-action, and starring Assemblyman Marty Block:

Last Monday … the California State Assembly voted on HR 5, Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s resolution declaring that the Assembly believes that Proposition 8 was an improper "revision" of our California Constitution rather than an "amendment" that could be rightly placed before voters as the Proposition 8 proponents did last fall.
In keeping with our pro-LGBT Democratic majority, the resolution passed by a vote of 45-27, with no Republican legislators voting "yes".  Our Assemblymembers Lori Saldana and Mary Salas were both sponsors of the measure and solid "yes" votes … Not so with freshman Assemblymember Marty Block, the San Diego Democratic Club’s priority endorsed candidate for the 78th Assembly District last fall.  Despite the fact that Marty Block had our both our Club’s endorsement (sic), as well as that of Equality California, Block took a "walk" and did not vote on this important measure affirming the Constitutional rights of LGBT citizens.
Assemblymember Block has told us he disagreed with "having the legislature officially vote on an active case before the Supreme Court."  We have told Block that his decision was an inexcusable dereliction of his duties to serve his LGBT consituents. (sic)
If you agree with your San Diego Democratic Club, please let Marty Block know you find his actions unacceptable … We will keep you posted on Assemblymember Block’s responses.  Thank you.
Larry Baza, President                  
San Diego Democratic Club

Irate friends or not, somehow I’m not thinking Block is going to find himself in Parra-like digs across the street from the Capitol over this.

Who’s Number Two?… A nice Friday morning event held in El Cajon for new Senate GOP Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, with a packed room at Sizzler (I love the smell of MSG in the morning).  Assemblymembers Joel Anderson and Martin Garrick both stopped by.  Local dignitaries included Councilmembers Jack Dale and Brian Jones of Santee, Lemon Grove Councilmember Mary England, Santee School Board Trustee Barbara Ryan, San Miguel Fire Board Member Rick Augustine, and the Ramona duo of Water Board Member Darrell Beck and Planning Group Member Bob Hailey.  A smattering of other folks, including Rick Terrazas of Congressman Duncan Hunter’s office and County GOP Vice Chair Michael McSweeney.  Also, Jeff Olson, looking very much like a possible candidate for County Assessor (the former Greg Smith seat).

An interesting question was raised … now that he is one of the highest "ranking" Republicans in the State, just behind Steve Poizner, does that actually make Hollingsworth the number two or number three GOPer?  Dennis wasn’t about to go there.

A Bailout Era reminder – if you need one…
This floating around on several blogs in recent days, a quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931-2005):
You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

What more could I possibly add?  Gotta go, I have some bills to pay…and some of my neighbors’ mortgages are due.  Have a great week!


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One Response to “Sunday San Diego: Bailouts, Block, Hollingsworth, Tobacco and more”

  1. Says:

    As far as “Who’s Number Two?” above, I was sufficiently taken to task by a reader this morning, as follows…
    Barry, Let’s follow the California Constitution – as in the annual Governor’s address when all officials are formally introduced and seated in the Rotunda:

    #1 The Governor

    #2 The Insurance Commissioner

    #3 State Board of Equalization: Leonard and Steel

    Then the other guys…

    Yes, of course, the reader is absolutely correct … I was simply repeating the question raised at the Hollingsworth event, without any analysis whatsoever. My bad.

    That said, it is clear that regardless of who the Number 1 GOP elected official is in the State — once you count Michelle and Bill — Dennis may or may not be #4 or #5.

    You decide.