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Jon Fleischman

Shame on the Los Angeles Times

I can imagine the assignment editors hanging out in the Los Angeles Times newsroom when the fax comes over from KFI’s John & Ken show informing them of a "tax revolt rally" taking place in Fullerton.  Never mind that the Times’ Orange County coverage is becoming more and more sparse, given the attention lately on the quickly growing discontent amongst taxpaying Californian’s in the wake of the passage a few weeks ago of the largest tax increase in this history of this state (or any state, for that matter), you would think that they would have assigned a reporter to cover the event.  Perhaps maybe they might have also sent a photographer to snap some "clicks" of the crowd.

Invariably, though, the editors, who were probably leaders in PETA or Greenpeace on their college campuses before turning to a life in journalism (following most of their campus-left activists), just scrunched up the fax and tossed it into the trash.

That is certainly one conclusion that you could come to as you turn the pages of the Los Angeles Times print edition this morning, as my mom and dad did — they live in LA.  My mom confirmed for me what I suspected, after spending 20 minutes scouring the LA Times website — there is no coverage whatsoever of a taxpayer rally with reportedly 15,000 hopping mad, over taxed Los Angeles area residents gathering in Fullerton to protest the ever-growing tax burden on Californians. 

The Orange County Register was there, and covered the event and the Los Angeles Media Group was there so there is coverage in many of their papers (San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Pasadena Star News, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, etcetra).

Even a wire service – City News Service was there — so that begs the question about why the editor last night, after knowing the event was successful, didn’t at least run the wire story in the paper.  Probably too busy reading Obama’s latest book to care about it…  Or gazing at the life-sized posters of Rosie O’Donnell Oprah Winfrey that undoubtedly wallpaper the Times newsroom.

So…the ever-shrinking group of Los Angeles Times readers were left in the dark…

Very disappointing, and disheartening.  This is just the latest example of how the main stream media tends to dismiss major events when they don’t confirm to their left-of-center bias.

The good news is the despite being "shut out" by the Times, John and Ken will continue to be a catalyst for taxpayer action — appropriately bringing together taxpayers who are fed up that here in the "Golden State", our taxes are higher than anywhere else in the country.

"Thumbs up" for John & Ken — and a big "thumbs down" for the Los Angeles Times.

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