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Jon Fleischman

Americans for Prosperity join in Massive Fullerton Tax Revolt 2009 Rally

Our friends with Americans for Prosperity, California, were participants in yesterday’s massive anti-tax rally in Fullerton, and they sent this over for your reading pleasure.  Below are a few photos from the days event…

Americans for Prosperity joined KFI radio personalities John and Ken for "Tax Revolt Day" in California. 

Speaking to a crowd of 15,000 people, AFP California’s Statewide Chairman Peter Foy spoke of the recent outrage over the $45 billion tax increase recently levied on taxpayers by politicians in Sacramento.

Peter Foy reminded the crowd that the recent tax increase from Sacramento is costing taxpayers $21 Million dollars per day, equivalent to 913,000 per hour, 24 hours per day.

"That means that just in the 40 minutes we’ve been on-air," said Ken Champeau, co-host of The John and Ken Show, "the Tax increase has cost all of you around 600,000 dollars since we have been on the air."

"It is time Sacramento stopped treating the California taxpayer as an ATM machine everytime they spend more money than they have", said Foy. 

KFI invited all legislators to attend the event, but no legislators showed up, although staff members were reportedly sent to monitor the activities. Peter Foy, a Supervisor in Ventura County and State Chairman for Americans for Prosperity, and Fullerton’s Mayor, whose City was the site of the event, were the only elected officials to join the Taxpayer Revolt.

Representatives from, Recall Assemblymember Anthony Adams and Recall Jeff Miller were on site to gather signatures and raise support for their campaigns.

"The leaders in Sacramento, who have underestimated the public’s tolerance for tax increases, are going to be sorely mistaken," said Foy in an exclusive to the FlashReport. "Sacramento is more out of touch with taxpayers than any time in our history. The theme of the Taxpayer Revolt was ‘revolt, recall, repeal,’ and I think you’ll see precisely that in the coming weeks."

Americans for Prosperity’s giant inflatable ATM Machine, which has traveled the Stateto 35 cities in the past year, was a popular focal point of the Taxpayer Revolt.

For more information, visit the AFP-California website.

David Spady, Executive Director of Americans for Prosperity, California takes the microphone with KFI’s John and Ken.  Standing behind Spady in the photo is Ventura County Supervisor Peter Foy, Chairman of AFP, California, who also spoke before the massive crowd.

Towering about the crowd in the back left of this photo is the Americans for Prosperity large inflatable ATM machine.  ATM, in this case, stands for "Already Taxed Enough," says AFP California’s Peter Foy.

Another view of the crowd at the Tax Revolt 2009 rally, which had a crowd of as many as 15,000 people on hand — all angry at the recent passage of the largest tax increase in California’s history.

Yet another view of the large crowd.  People were arriving all day and into the evening for the event.  AFP’s David Spady told the FlashReport that even as he and others were leaving the rally after four hours, others were arriving to take their hard-to-find parking spaces.