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Jon Fleischman

Longtime GOP Strategist Ken Khachigan Endorses Steve Poizner

The "endorsement battles" continue to the GOP primary battle for Governor.  Earlier this week Meg Whitman announced endorsements from former Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and Assemblywoman Connie Conway.

Poizner has responded with a pretty big name in California Republican politics — today rolling out an endorsement from venerable GOP strategist Ken Khachigian.  Khachigian has been engaged in the political scene for a longtime, playing key roles in the elections of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson.

I have known Khachigian for over twenty years now, and he has served as a personal mentor to me, and played a critical role in the establishment of the FlashReport (you can read that here)!

Khachigian’s endorsement is a big one — and to the extent that the advice and input he offers to the Poizner campaign is thoughtfully considered, he can really be of assistance in the campaign.

2 Responses to “Longtime GOP Strategist Ken Khachigan Endorses Steve Poizner”

  1. Says:

    Here we go again…trotting out retreads with no ideas no track record pushing a RINO in waiting….when you hear “long time” …run….run….run.

    How bout picking a genuine winner except a rich person who thinks it would be NICE to be governor….

  2. Says:

    Mr. Bosich:

    When YOU have been the architect of Multiple winning Gubenatorial campaigns,
    and when YOU have worked as a Senior aide at the White House, and helped
    put a Ronald Reagan there… then YOU will be in a position to evaluate a giant
    like Kenneth L. Khachigian.

    By the way, you didn’t REALLY say Keneth Khachigian has “no track record”,
    did you?