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Nehring Tapped By Steele to Lead State Chairmen

The Republican Party is clearly in a re-building phase and innovation will be a big part of the makeover process.  CA State GOP chairman Ron Nehring is known for his use of technology and his willingness to go to far corners to promote the Republican brand.  So it’s not surprising that RNC chairman Michael Steele has appointed Ron to lead the committee of state Republican chairmen.

The press release follows…


WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele announced today the appointment of California Republican Party (CRP) Chairman Ron Nehring, to be the chair of the State Party Chairmen Committee.

“Ron’s experience and dedication makes him a valuable member of our team,” Steele said. “I have no doubt that he will help bring the voice of every Republican state party to the national table.” 

Nehring is the Chairman of the largest Republican state party in the United States.  He was first elected Chairman in 2007 and was recently re-elected on a platform of ensuring that California is a leader in utilizing new and innovative technologies, empowering local Republican committees and using state party resources to strengthen volunteer organizations.  Before serving as State Party Chairman, Nehring served as President of the California Republican County Chairmen’s Association.  For nearly 20 years, Chairman Nehring has been dedicated to leading Republican campaigns and advancing conservative principles in government.

“Chairman Michael Steele’s mission is to promote the rapid growth and expansion of our party by sharing ideas and best practices across all of our state parties so innovation in one state can be quickly picked up in others,” Nehring said. “I’m proud to assist Chairman Steele in his relentless focus on building strong parties in every state and territory: making the Republican Party the national leader in the use of new technologies, building coalitions into communities that don’t yet benefit from Republican leadership, training a new generation of Republican activists, and putting Republican ideas into action at every level of government.”
