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Jon Fleischman

Waterloo At the State Capitol

I don't know who the first people to wander through the bloody fields after the battle at Waterloo. But as I board a flight to Sacramento this morning, I feel like I may be one of the modern-day equivalents of those people.

The loosers of this battle — taxpayers, believers in a twop party political system. The winners — Sacramento's special interests who succeeded in driving overspending for years and years, and then were able to get the largest state level tax increase in the history of our nation to boot. A horrible loss for those who champion limited government — and a devistating blow to the GOP — the “promise breakers” in all of this.

4 Responses to “Waterloo At the State Capitol”

  1. Says:

    The first people to walk through were ABBA, then the wrote the song. The song written about this budget deal is S.O.S.

  2. Says:

    Unless these six socialis sellouts are recalled in the near future, then the GOP in California will cease to exist in any meaningful way — the Dems will take 2/3 of both houses and control all statewide offices.

  3. Says:

    Flash Report junkies loved the RINOS; many of you readers bowed to the RINOS and the rest of us were laughed at….so do not be deceived by Campbell, Whitman or Poizner who think it would be NICE TO BE GOVERNOR.

    We need a Patton, a pitbull as the state pet and get over it….you will pay now until you bleed!!!

  4. Says:

    Agreed! If that is what our bench is going to look like in 2010, then I am predicting a Democratic sweep of all statewide offices and maybe more.