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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Lincoln Club of Fresno County Press Release On Budget Deal

The following is the text of a press release by the Lincoln Club of Fresno County sent this morning regarding the budget deal:

Indefensible Budget Deal Will Crush Economy- Enable Dysfunctional State Government
Fresno, California – “The budget deal struck early this morning by unanimous vote of Democrats in Sacramento, and Republicans Mike Villines, Anthony Adams, Roger Niello, Dave Cogdill, Roy Ashburn and Abel Maldenado is a disaster for California’s economy, a crushing burden on California’s taxpayers and small businesses, and an enabler of California’s dysfunctional, bloated Government to continue unabated”, said Lincoln Club Chairman Michael Der Manouel, Jr. this morning.
“We already know Governor Schwarzenegger’s second term to be the most disastrous of any Governor in the history of California, but when small minority of Republicans enable Democrats to hand the taxpayers of our already overtaxed and overregulated State another $70 billion dollar, five year bill to remedy their out of control spending, it is the worst day I have seen politically in California in over 20 years” Der Manouel continued.  “It is no wonder business is fleeing the State, employers are trimming their workforces, and citizens are losing their homes.  With friends like this in Sacramento, who need enemies?  Republicans have one opportunity each year to stop the budgetary reign of terror of the Democrat majority, and for the eighth straight year, Republicans blinked.”
Finally, Der Manouel commented that “State Senator Abel Maldenado’s ‘deal’ to have a “blanket primary” was a shamelessly self serving move aimed at advancing his individual future political prospects.  The other phony provision to withhold legislative pay if there is a late budget sounds great, but it’s hardly worth the $70 billion price tag.”
“As California Republicans gather this weekend in Sacramento, we need to ask ourselves a simple question.  Why do we even need to exist in this State if we cannot ever leverage our one chance a year to protect taxpayers?
The Lincoln Club of Fresno County is a Political Action Committee with the purpose of electing Republicans to all levels of public office.  In addition, the PAC is committed to advancing sensible statewide and local ballot initiatives that enhance the business climate and quality of life in the Central Valley.  For more information, political commentary and a list of our other endorsements, go to