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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Big Compromise

So this is it, huh?  For a $70 billion dollar, five year tax hike, all its going to take is a blanket primary and some pay cuts for legislators if they do a late budget.  The Democrats will take that deal all day long. 

I couldn’t be more embarrassed of this "deal" and can’t fathom that anyone can believe it is worth a $70 billion hit to taxpayers already  taxed at the highest rates in nation.

Should we just introduce a resolution to disband the State GOP this weekend in Sacramento?  What else will there be to do?  Attend seminars about "getting out the vote" or "speaking to the media" when our  own legislators can’t even stand firm on tax increases.  

Abel Maldenado, either you are not too bright, or a closet tax collector for the welfare state.  What a sad, disgusting episode in our State’s history.

2 Responses to “The Big Compromise”

  1. Says:

    That would be an appropriate resolution Mike. As for me, I’m through voting for any Republican candidate in California for anything, with the exception of Chuck Devore, who at least tried to change leadership on the Assembly side.

  2. Says:

    We must recall those six sell outs. Who is leading the charge? If they get away with this, then the GOP in California is truely dead.