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Jon Fleischman

Statement from Cogdill on Leadership Change

Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill, of Modesto, today issued the following statement:

My primary goal in leading this Caucus has always been to maintain unity within our dynamic membership.  I knew this would be a daunting task with the state’s precarious fiscal situation, but it was a challenge I was honored to take.

While there are many things to dislike in this budget, I am proud it contains the vital reforms our Caucus has been pushing for – fixing our broken budget system, making government more efficient, giving flexibility to schools to direct more money to the classroom and creating more jobs in our state.  It is now painfully apparent that this package will not achieve the votes needed to pass the Legislature.

Inaction is not an option.  The consequences of an extended budget impasse will be catastrophic, hurting real Californians and bringing irreversible damage to our state’s finances and economy.  Lawmakers must pass a comprehensive budget solution right away if we are going to prevent California from falling off the financial cliff. 

Californians who paid their taxes in good faith deserve their tax refund checks, not paper IOUs.  Counties could go bankrupt and stop services to Californians in need.  Additionally, public sector inaction hurts the private sector. Thousands of infrastructure projects across the state have stopped, costing tens of thousands of jobs at a time when we are facing record-high unemployment.

Today is a setback but Senate Republicans will continue to work toward a solution.  Tonight, our Caucus has chosen to move forward with budget negotiations with new leadership in place.  I will work toward a smooth transition as Senator Dennis Hollingsworth assumes the duties as the new Senate Republican Leader.

2 Responses to “Statement from Cogdill on Leadership Change”

  1. Says:

    Unfortunately, I see little difference between what you have written and the speech that was made by the President Pro Tem yesterday. I am willing to forgo any tax refund and state services. Higher taxes are not the answer to the problems. The state (Sacramento) has created the problems and I for one am unwilling to pay for them to be fixed. The solutions are in fact, simple. Smaller government, control the spending, cut the bloated state workforce by 25% – 30% and close down programs that we the people shouldnt be paying for in the first place. That “Chicken in every pot” philosophy is a load of crap. Stand firm. If the State need to close its doors for a few weeks, so be it. We’ll be better off. Gregg Palmer

  2. Says:

    If we had not given in already we could be fighting for real systematic change.

    Instead the budget becomes all about picking off one or two Republicans.