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Jon Fleischman

Patricia Welch for CRP Northwest Vice Chairman

This weekend, appointed-incumbent Patricia Welch will be seeking election to a full two-year term as Northwest Regional Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party.   I have had the pleasure of knowing Patricia for a very long time (she was involved for many years in Orange County GOP politics before migrating north) and she is a rock-solid GOP leader and activist.  She’s not only a hard worker — but a smart worker.  The party need leader’s of Patricia’s character, integrity and sophistication in our Board of Directors.  Below is a column penned by Patricia, that I hope you will take the time to read.  There’s not much political analysis to give you on her "race" — as of now, she is running unopposed.  Way to go!

Jon Fleischman

Positive Political Change in the Northwest
by Patricia Welch

As a fourth-generation Californian, grassroots Republican activist, and committed conservative, I know our party and our state can be great again.  I have been the Northwest Regional Vice Chairman since September 2008, when CRP Chairman Ron Nehring nominated me and I was unanimously confirmed by the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy created by Mark Pruner’s election to President of the County Chairmen’s Association.  Now I am honored to run for a full term as CRP Northwest Regional Vice Chairman, committed to building the Republican Party in Northwest California and advocating for the Northwestern counties.

I am currently Chairman of the Humboldt County Republican Party, and was recently unanimously re-elected. I also have the honor of serving on the CRP Executive Board, as well as the Party’s Budget, Platform, and Volunteer Committees.  

I have been involved in Republican politics for most of my life—continuing the tradition begun my great-great grandfather who served three terms in the California Assembly (1871-72, 1877-78 and 1885-86).   Since getting my feet wet with Ronald Reagan’s 1980 Presidential race, I have worked on many campaigns. In 2008, I was the political consultant on the Vevoda for Humboldt County Supervisor campaign. I served as Regional Field Director and Political Director (Northern California) for the successful California Victory 2006 effort.  In 2004, I was Orange County Regional Chairman for Bill Jones for U.S. Senate.   I was Volunteer Coordinator for several city council and mayoral races in Orange, CA.. These wide ranging experiences give me a unique perspective on California state politics, in the north and in the south.

The California Federation of Republican Women has been near and dear to my heart for nearly 25 years; I have held leadership positions at all levels. Currently, I serve as CFRW Chairman of Leadership Development, and Region XIII Director for CFRW Northern Division. I am a graduate of the inaugural class (2004) of the Marion Bergeson Excellence in Public Service Series. 

I understand that hard work, honesty, and integrity are the words which embody Republican values. They are the foundation–the core principles — of what it means to be a conservative and a Republican. If we are to retake California, we must be unified and willing to work together under the banner of our conservative principles. Our Founding Fathers embraced these values without reservation, risking everything to create the remarkable country we have inherited:  a republic respectful of the rights of individuals, of their communities, and of their states. Despite daunting challenges from advocates for ever bigger government, our grassroots volunteers still understand and uphold the ideals of individual freedom and personal responsibility.

California is not a one-size-fits-all-state; even neighboring counties have different political goals and means of achieving them.  CRP leaders must acknowledge and respect the diversity of individual counties; however, increasing voter registration and volunteer development are universal, complementary themes. We need to strengthen county parties by continuing to identify, engage and retain volunteers.  Intensive voter registration efforts will build the Party while expanding the volunteer base.   We can only register Republicans if we set ourselves apart from the Democrats. We must begin by honing our message. We must articulate a message to which the citizens of California can relate.

This past year, I had the privilege of appearing on local television and radio promoting Republican values.  The benefit (or bane) of living in a small area is that you become an instant ‘expert’ after one TV appearance.  I endeavored to articulate a vision to which everyone could relate.  My message had an impact.  People stopped me in the grocery store to say that although they had always voted Democrat, they now realized their values more closely aligned with Republicans.  Many more voters came into our headquarters either to register for the first time or change their registration to Republican.   I had the same experience when speaking to several of our local high school government classes; they were ‘shocked’ to learn they held republican values. 

I strongly believe that leaders have a responsibility to identify, develop, and nurture future leaders.  I pledge to enlist talented, energetic people in our cause, just as other remarkable leaders encouraged me to join them.  I pledge to promote candidate training in the Northwest Region, forming a team to run for every office, from Congress on down to the water boards.

Max Dupree, author of Leadership is an Art, has said, “Being a leader means having the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who permit leaders to lead;” I couldn’t agree more.  As your Northwest Regional Vice Chairman, I will work tirelessly for the good of the entire Republican Party. If we all pull together, utilizing the financial and human resources at our disposal, we can make the inroads necessary to win not only in the Northwest region, but statewide.

Michael Erickson, Chairman, Sonoma County Republican Party
Steve Davis, Former Chairman, Lake County Republican Party
Mike Gomez, Chairman, Solano Republican Party
Janet Kirtlink, Chairman, Napa County Republican Party
Ron Sandler, Former Chairman of Del Norte
Judy Williams, Chairman, Mendocino Republican Party
George Benzel, Former Chairman of Humboldt County Republican Party
Hon. Johanna Rodoni, Former Chairman of Humboldt County
Mike Harvey, Former Chairman of Humboldt County
Joe Russ, Former Chairman of Humboldt County
Barbara Stidham, Former Sonoma County Chairman
Joy Stewart, Former CFRW President
Lois Godfrey, Former CFRW President

Hon. Dan Logue, Assemblyman AD 3
Hon. Chuck DeVore, Assemblyman AD 70
Hon. Rick Keene, Former Assemblyman, AD3
Hon. Doug La Malfa, Former Assemblyman AD 2
Lawrence Wiesner, Republican Nominee, SD 2
James Pell, Republican Nominee, AD1

CRP Officers:
Ron Nehring, Chairman
Tom Del Beccaro, Vice Chairman
Steve Baric, Secretary
Keith Carlson, Treasurer
Jon Fleischman, Regional Vice Chairman South
Doug  Boyd, Regional Vice Chairman Los Angeles
Laura Gadke, Regional Vice Chairman, Central
Paul Bruno, Regional Vice Chairman. Central Coast
Jerry Maltby, Regional Vice Chairman, North
Shawn Steel, National Committeeman
Linda Ackerman, National Committee Woman
Mark Pruner, President of the County Chairman’s Association and Chairman of Yolo County
Tony Krvaric, Budget Chairman and Chairman of San Diego County