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Jon Fleischman

For the GOP – Double Trouble

As a Republican, I guess you have to use some minor amount of political sophistication to figure out that if the GOP is responsible for passing the largest single tax increase in the history of any state ever, that the cynism of Republican voters with their own party will only increase (check out how many registered Republicans opted not to vote last November).

That said, it is pretty simple to understand how deadly a “Washington State” style open primary system would be to, frankly, both major political parties. First and foremost, the system ends voter registration by political party all together. Secondly, under that system, a party isn't even assured a candidate on the general election ballot.

For Dems, the taxes are a plus, the open primary, a minus. For GOPers — it's ALL Bad.

Abel Maldonado's request to place an effective termination of the political party system on the ballot should be summarily rejected. SHAME on him for advocating it.

5 Responses to “For the GOP – Double Trouble”

  1. Says:

    It doesn’t have to (and shouldn’t) end party registration by voters. It only allows people to vote for whomever they want.

  2. Says:

    Tom, So what is the point of having a Primary Election if the end result doesn’t yield someone from my party, representing my party’s ideals and values to the General Election? We should just scrap the primaries, which should save us some coin, and just do sudden death General Elections if we are going this route. After all it will still allow “people to vote for whomever they want.” What a Moron!

  3. Says:

    The Maldanado “concessions” are an embarrassment to any intelligent person. Are the compromises really worth $70 billion in new taxes over five years.

    The GOP is about 24 hours from irrelevance. We should vote on a resolution to disband the CRP this weekend.

  4. Says:

    I have said it before and I will say it again, Abel is selling his service (vote)… and whether it is late at night on the street or during broad daylight in elegant setting… whether it is in a short skirt or a suit… those who sell their service are called whores!!!

  5. Says:

    “sudden death General Elections”?

    20 million quatloos on the NRA members…