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Matthew J. Cunningham

Why Is Poizner Raising Money For A Tax Hiker?

I appreciate that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has come out strongly against the budget deal with its $14 billion tax hike (although I cringed at his "they don’t have the guts to raise taxes on the rich" comment. Can we please not lend any credibility to progressive taxation?).

So why is Poizner headlining an event to raise money for Anthony Adams, one of the three Assembly Republicans who is voting to pile this mass of taxes on the rest of us?:

This tax hike isn’t an ordinary issue on which Republicans of good will can disagree. This is elemental. It goes to the heart of the Republican Party’s reason for being. It is a political Rubicon that shouldn’t be crossed without penalty.

One penalty is party luminaries should shun tax-hikers like Adams and refuse to raise money ffor them. I’d like to see Poizner put some teeth into his rhetoric and say, "Sorry Assemblyman Adams, but I can’t ask republicans to donate their money to re-elect a guy who is helping trash Republican principles."

And if memory serves, when Jim Brulte was Senate GOP leader during an earlier budget crisis, he threatened to recall any GOP legislator who voted for a tax increase.

Come one. There’s got to be some kind of penalty for helping the Democrats to make government bigger at the expense of taxpayers.

8 Responses to “Why Is Poizner Raising Money For A Tax Hiker?”

  1. Says:

    I am guessing that this event was scheduled months ago, before Adams announced that we presently don’t pay enough in taxes.

    Also, Adams has not actually voted yet. Maybe he’ll change his mind like Dave Cox. Who knows?

  2. Says:


    No doubt you’re correct about the scheduling, but this just hit my e-mail box today.

    I’d be delighted if Adams changes his mind and votes against the tax hikes.

    But if he doesn’t, Poizner ought to pull out of the fundraiser.

  3. Says:

    Loving the circular firing squad! Keep at it. You guys need to lose even more seats in the Legislature!

  4. Says:


    Because the Democrats who have controlled the state legislature for how many years?…have been doing such a great job.

  5. Says:

    You guys need to lose even more seats in the Legislature!

    Yeah, Steve — that 40% the Democrat nominee racked up in AD59 in the Year of Obama really puts Adam’s district in play next year.

    Save the political acumen for robbing taxpayers to pay for state government and its attendant parasites (aka Democratic special interests like public employee unions.)

  6. Says:

    Well, let’s ask Mr. Cook and Mr. Smyth how nervous they are right about now.

    Republican registration is in freefall. And redistricting is right around the corner.

    Be careful what you ask for.

  7. Says:

    Hey Steve: this post is about Anthony Adams, who is in AD59. If you it’s too hard to follow along, we’ll give you the closed caption version.

  8. Says:

    And redistricting is right around the corner.

    Steve I think you’re forgetting it’s not going to be Karen Bass and Darrell Steinberg drawing the lines.

    Or is that comment like you looong and post speculating that Villines was positioning himself to run against Jeff Denham for Lt. Governor — unrelated to reality?