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Jon Fleischman

Thanks to Dr. Emmerson, The State Assembly Is Ready for Lockdown

Given that Senate Republican Leader Darrell Steinberg has lectured his colleagues to "bring their toothbrushes" as a statement of his willingness to "lock down" the State Senate until somehow, out of pure physical exhaustion, he can gather votes for his major tax increase (good luck) — members of the State Assembly are well prepared if Speaker Karen Bass follows uses the same sort of strong-arm tactics the legislature’s lower chamber.

Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, an orthodontist by profession, has provided his Assembly colleagues with toothpaste and toothbrushes.

In a note with his small gift of hygiene products to his colleagues, Emmerson wrote, “I hope this small tube is enough to get you through these trying budget negotiations.”

3 Responses to “Thanks to Dr. Emmerson, The State Assembly Is Ready for Lockdown”

  1. Says:

    Maybe Dr. Emmerson can wire Chuck DeVore’s mouth shut while he’s at it! Although I do love the way he’s attacking his fellow Republicans.

  2. Says:

    Well, let’s hope these GOPers that are planning on selling us out are sending each of us a tube of KY Jelly with our tax bill…

  3. Says:

    Darrell Steinberg is NOT a Republican.