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Matt Rexroad

By what authority?

We have duly elected members of the Legislature under the Capitol Dome being treated like children.  Let’s just assume that everyone is an adult and they all of them can generally take care of themselves.  Some of you are laughing now but we are talking about grown men and women.

Recently the doors have been locked and they have been prevented from leaving.

I want to know what authority the Assembly Speaker and President Pro Tem have to do this.  Under Article 4 Section 7 of the California Constitution: 

SEC. 7.  (a) Each house shall choose its officers and adopt rules for its proceedings.  A majority of the membership constitutes a quorum, but a smaller number may recess from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members.

So who is absent? Was the leadership really compelling attendance be absent members?
No one was absent. They didn’t miss anything.

If this is the only justification provided by the leadership for their actions of locking the doors I think it is pretty weak.  Some may argue that the Senate or Assembly rules provide this authority. I am unaware of any rules that would allow a legislative body to falsely imprison a member of that body.

When I asked a former legislative attorney about this the answer I got was "it has always been that way." That is not good enough.

So someone tell me what Steinberg and Bass are depending on — because I don’t see it.
My general view is that these are adults that should be treated with respect. At some point this sets the tone for the rest of the debate.