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Jon Fleischman

Abel Maldonado: His Promise To His Constituents

It’s one thing to see Senator Abel Maldonado’s name on an electronic list published by Americans for Tax Reform.  It’s actually more "real" to see the actual form that the Senator signed, of his own free will, making a pledge to his future constituents that, if elected, he would oppose tax increases and oppose efforts to raise taxes.

Attached is a .pdf of Senator Maldonado’s pledge form, which I asked the folks at ATR to fax to me.

One Response to “Abel Maldonado: His Promise To His Constituents”

  1. Says:

    Many people, even some of my relatives use the word “politician” as if it were synonymous with the word “criminal.” That has always bothered me, because I have known some very honorable people in politics. Unfortunately, when elected officials abandon their campaign pledges, the entire political system suffers. No wonder so many people don’t even bother to vote!

    I hope that Senator Maldonado will stick to his pledge. Not just for his own benefit and that of his Party, but also for the benefit of the entire political system.

    There is nothing so wrong with California’s financial position that some cuts here and there cannot fix. The cuts may be painful, but they will be more temporary and less damaging to the economy than tax increases.