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Barry Jantz

Where’s Maldo?

It’s only a matter of time before Senator Abel Maldonado breaks caucus ranks and goes up on the budget, providing the third needed GOP vote.  In his words, there are "no sweeteners," as of yet, but that is presently being worked out.  Ain’t politics grand?

My prediction: It will be over tonight. 

Once the respective party leaders realized there was no longer any hope for an aye vote out of Senator Dave Cox, the focus turned to Maldonado.  Sometime after the Senate recessed late this morning, emissaries went to his office to grab him for discussions.  Unlike the Assembly in lockdown on the Floor, the Senate was in an honor system situation, but Maldonado couldn’t be located and his office was locked with the lights out.  The knocking on the office door went to no avail.

**There is more – click the link**

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9 Responses to “Where’s Maldo?”

  1. Says:

    There is going to be an economic revolt….a long time coming…they are worried about the 2/3 vote thingeee….that is the least of the liberals worries…the rath of the producers is about to be unleased by unintended consequences…already I have heard of a ramping up of the cash economy, the grey market, flea markets, farmers markets,state border transactions, internet traffic….they will collect far less than they think, for humankind are more like those brave souls in the movie BRAVEHEART….they will MOON the government and be done with it.

  2. Says:

    Fluids travel the path of least resistance and so does the almighty dollar.

  3. Says:

    Who will be leading the recall?

  4. Says:

    This idea of “sweetener” is putting it too nicely. If in fact Abel sells out, he is selling his service. And whether it late at night on the street or in an elegant setting… only whores sell their services. Let’s tell it like it is.

  5. Says:

    To be clear, “sweeteners” was Maldonado’s exact word, not mine (according to KQED’s John Myers and others). The fact that he said there weren’t enough sweeteners to get an aye vote out of him, clearly means he’s open on the budget if he gets enough. Anyone reading this gets exactly what he said and what he meant, whether I’m “nice” or not.

  6. Says:

    The 2/3’ds requirement was a canard – we should have died on that hill. They will try to overturn it anyway. What a joke…… let the Dems overturn the 2/3’ds so they really OWN the problem…… what is so complicated about this……

  7. Says:

    Mike, you nailed it. For years, the GOP has fought to keep intact the 2/3 requirement so as to save the State. Perhaps the State failing is now the only way to save it. Nothing complex about it.

  8. Says:

    Just as how the Republicans in congress did not vote for the Porkulus, we should let the Democratic party own the problem.

    If Democratic party budgets are wrecking our state, the writing will be on the wall that its a Democratic Party budget and that is why revenue is down, people are moving and jobs are gone.

  9. Says:

    Barry, your initial prediction was spot on, sadly.