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Jon Fleischman

It’s Time To End The Lockdown

I just read on the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert website that GOP Senators emerged from a caucus meeting, and Cogdill announced that there were not the votes to pass this deal, and requested that Steinberg send legislators home.  Steinberg refused.  Senate GOP Leader Dave Cogdill should up the ante, and make it clear that if his caucus isn’t allowed to go home that he will no longer support the plan himself.

Assembly Republican Leader Villines (if he hasn’t already) should tell Speaker Bass that there are no longer GOP votes for this plan as long as Republicans are being "locked down" like criminals.  Cross-chamber solidarity is important.

This is not the right way for Republicans to be treated, as if their objections are so trivial that carrots (pork) or sticks (sleep deprivation) are going to weaken their resolve to protect California taxpayers.

Maybe it’s time to hold a press conference and demand the "release" of Republican legislators (if Democrats want to enjoy their own "lock down" party, well, that’s their business).