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Jon Fleischman

Ammiano: Senate Deadlock Causing Assemblymembers to have Second Thoughts about Plan

The key comment I saw in this Associated Press story by Judy Lin on the deadlock on the Big 5/Big Taxes plan is from San Francisco Democrat Tom Ammiano.

Check this out:

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, also a Democrat, said the Senate deadlock was causing some in the Assembly to have second thoughts about the unpopular plan.

This should be encouraging news to  the Senate Republican "Daring Dozen" who are standing tall for California taxpayers.

You are doing the right thing.  I can also tell you that you have a lot of moral support coming your way from Assembly Republicans, many of whom have let me know how glad they are that you are all doing the right thing.

2 Responses to “Ammiano: Senate Deadlock Causing Assemblymembers to have Second Thoughts about Plan”

  1. Says:


    I am a little heated right now and I understand that you are a player in state politics, have lots of friends and so forth in the party.

    I get that. And I know that you do your fair share of criticism of those in our party. So, I don’t want those points to go unmentioned.

    But…when I read stuff like the “Daring Dozen” or how courageous these Republicans are for actually voting their supposed political philosophy, for honoring pledged and promises they have made, etc…it makes me want to puke.

    What is so courageous or daring? I don’t applaud someone for managing to put their pants on and brush their teeth in the morning.

    Maybe I am being a little rantish due to how pissed I am…but I wanted to offer up this counter viewpoint.

    I am tired of coddling these grown men who purport to be the “toughest” guys on the block every two years and then wilt like a flower being peddled by an illegal alien on a Los Angeles offramp everytime budget season rolls around.

  2. Says:

    Joseph, you are right. Those “Republicans” break their promise to voters and they sell their service (i.e. vote). And whether it is on the street late at night or in broad daylight in an elegant setting… those who sell their service are WHORES. Let’s say it like it is!