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Jon Fleischman

The Last Man: Senator Dave Cox

UPDATE:  Well, it’s not news.  But if you are looking for something to do, click here and look to the bottom of the right hand column.  You’ll see Dave Cox mentioned…

Well it would appear that the State Legislature is going to meet into the wee hours.

Conventional wisdom seems to be that in the Assembly, Republicans Villines, Adams and Niello are set to go up on $14 billion++ in tax increases.  In the Senate, Republicans Cogdill and Ashburn seem ready to go up on the taxes, but the third vote is being elusive.  It belongs to State Senator Dave Cox who is the only other Senate Republican who has not make it clear he is opposing the plan.

Currently Cox is proposing an amendment concerning how Proposition 10 monies are reallocated (a pet issue of his).  Apparently Cox has a whole boatload of amendments, and I suspect that one of them is not an amendment to take all of the tax increases out of the plan…

Well, right now, he is apparently all that stands between here and there — and there is a very bad place for California taxpayers, and a very ugly place for the Grand Old Party.

It would be nice if Cox would just tell the Democrats that an all-night session on a holiday weekend, far away from the public spotlight, is not a good time for debating massive packages like this.

In the end, if he wanted to force the issue…  He could.  He has all of the cards.

5 Responses to “The Last Man: Senator Dave Cox”

  1. Says:

    Thanks for the updates!

    It is hard to interpret all of this online and watching on CalChannel.

    Yes, California Channel is broadcasting 24/7 on my Time Warner Channel 223.

    Though, It would be nice if someone just rips this whole package apart!

  2. Says:

    Ah yes, good old Grover Nosetwist and his anti-tax pledge.

  3. Says:

    Are you even a Republican Bob?

  4. Says:

    Bob, even this centrist is siding with the Republican base. This state budget is going to cripple our economy and cause less tax revenue to be generated. Almost 10% sales tax rate in LA and the bay area. SICK

    We have to figure out creative ideas to trim the budget without raising new taxes.

  5. Says:

    So, who it leading the charge and preparing the recall paperwork?