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Jon Fleischman

Capitol Intrigue? Or Not?

Anthony York over at Capitol Weekly is reporting that there is unrest amongst Republicans as a result of this "Big-5, Big Taxes" deal.

I typically refrain from commenting on legislative caucus politics, and will continue to do so.  But I will continue to express a high degree of frustration that seemingly overnight, the position of Republican leadership went from "taxes are terrible and we completely oppose them" to "taxes are terrible but not having them is more terrible and now we support them."

My overwhelming feeling is one of disappointment at this situation, and that our leaders are going "maverick" when their caucuses overwhelmingly oppose the tax increases.

Again, I am not trying to be critical of Cogdill and Villines as individuals — they are both good people.  But I do feel that the "art of the deal" is supplanting the "team" concept that is so important to achieving long-term success.

I do hope that part of the Capitol discussions include how the Republican Party should be reacting or responding to this situation, and its aftermath if these massive tax increases do end up going into effect (with GOP votes). 

There is no getting around the fact that at least five Republicans, at least two of the leaders, are looking to break their no new taxes pledge, however they want to justify that action.