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Shawn Steel

Who will turn ? Who will save the libs and unions?

Today could be one of the worst economic days in US history.

Congress may pass the most  expensive aggressive pork laden spending bill ever. Only with the help of 3 pathetic Republican senators. 

Back home, our legislature is set to impose more taxes on the highest taxes in the US, only to preserve union power. The only way to force new taxes,  votes must come from Republicans. 

Gov. Arnold announced the most important reform of his whole political life by stating he would fire over 20,000 state workers. This is the best news for California government in over 50 years. Unlike real business, the state government only grows, furnishing incompetent and half hearted services. 

If the Governor was to succeed in the reduction of 20,000 SEIU members it would mean immediate hardship to unions political power.

Each SEIU member is required to pay monthly dues. The dues are withheld from their checks so many union members have no idea how much they are forced to pay. The prison union guards pay about $80.00 a month. Elimination of 20,000 union jobs could cost the unions nearly $20 million in annual dues. 

Extracting union money from tax payer supplied salaries is the crux of Democrat power and its control of the legislature. We can chip against that formidable wall now.

But SEIU and other dark forces might have a couple of Republican turncoats to save them. We don’t know who will join the dems. All of us should watch carefully, take action and never forget. 

The "deal" will significantly raises income and sales taxes, already the highest in the nation. The dreaded vehicle tax that made Arnold’s career will double. 

What do taxpayers get? A fraudulent, easy to evade, "spending" limit for two years.
Who made this deal? Who wants it? Why would any Republican vote for this?

Status Quo is much preferred. Particularly is 20,000 are mercifully let go, so they can find honest work. 

     Starve the Beast.